One of the things I appreciate about my childhood is that my brothers and I were always taught the importance of hard work.  No matter what the task, we learned to work hard and do the best possible job we can. There was never a task that was too inferior or too superior to be done. There’s something to be said about having a strong work ethic. If you work hard and put your mind to something, you can succeed.

Growing up, the lessons I learned form the foundation for much of the work I do today. Whether I’m working at my engineering job, shooting a wedding, or helping at my mom’s tea store, having a strong work ethic brings quality and success to my tasks.  I like having the peace of mind that when faced with a challenge, I stepped up and worked my hardest to achieve success. Sometimes attempts at something will be successful and at other times they will not. But being able to adapt and change is the secret to turning failures into successes.