It started 6 years ago at an engagement party, where Karen and Mick first met each other. They both felt a spark as they talked to each other…. and then when they returned to their hometowns, Karen ‘myspaced‘ Mick (it was cool back then). As they sent messages back and forth, their friendship began to blossom and they became more and more interested in each other.  By the time they met again, they had developed crushes on each other, and now, almost 6 years later, they’re engaged!!!

Mick and Karen are both CPA’s with such joyful personalities. I couldn’t help but smile while processing their photos. Their sense of happiness, and close connection with each other, jumps out of every picture.  We wanted to incorporate their professional lifestyle into these photos, as well as their casual, fun personalities.  Who said CPA’s can’t have fun?!

After almost 4 years of being in a long distance relationship, Mick and Karen are one step closer to being married!! There’s something special to be said about building a relationship slowly, after all, the most wondrous of creations aren’t built in an instant, but rather over time. Mick and Karen’s relationship is the same way. After many visits and countless hours together, they have become SO head-over-heals that even long-distance can’t stop them!  You guys are awesome!! You have such amazing energy together, and I’m so happy for you! Long distance can be a challenge, but you guys were strong and overcame those hurdles thereby making your relationship so much stronger.

Alrighty, well, here are their engagement photos taken at Pike Place Market in Seattle. We had an awesome time walking around downtown Seattle, through Post Alley, and along the waterfront.

Two young professionals in love!

Portrait of engaged couple in downtown Seattle

Couple reading a newspaper together

Engagement photos in Downtown Seattle

Engagement photography in downtown Seatttle

Pike Place Engagement Photography

Engagement pictures taken at Post Alley in Seattle

Couple hugging in front of graffiti wall

Couple hugging in front of a red background

It was a beautiful day on the Seattle Waterfront. The sun was shining, the weather was warm, and the water was perfect. From the pier, we could sea Qwest Field and Mount Rainier! It was such a great view.  Mick and Karen are so natural and comfortable together and it shows in the pictures.  They have a very deep love for each other.


^behind the boats you can see Mount Rainier and the stadiums

Thank you Mick and Karen, for allowing me to capture these engagement photos! I am so excited for your wedding in Fresno, CA! Can’t wait!!

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  • Mundir

    WOW!!! my most favorite is the one where she is pulling his neck tie and the proposal one with the little girl in the window- what a timing. Every picture expresses one emotion-love! Great job!

    • thanks! Mick and Karen were so awesome together! Yeah, I love the picture with the little girl looking through the window.

  • Amy J.

    Sid, I LOVE these pictures. The 5th or 6th picture, where they are on the balcony, is so beautiful. It can be in a magazine. Even the graffiti pictures could be in a magazine! <3 <3 these!

    • Thank you for the kind words! That picture was fun to shoot. It was taken from a long distance, so I couldn’t really communicate with Mick and Karen, but they definitely made it happen! The Alley pictures were fun, too! thank you!

  • Kevin

    Wow! Every shoot you do I think to myself, this is his best work yet! These are absolutely fantastic pictures! Not only to look at, but to feel the emotion of each picture as well. Well done.

    • thanks Kevin, I really appreciate that a lot! I’m so glad you like the pictures! [hope you guys had a great time in Napa] 🙂

  • Jen Sanghera

    Congrats again guys!! These pictures are so beautiful!
    We love you. Jen & Rick

  • aron

    wicked work bro! keep it up!!!!!!!

  • satpal

    good job!

  • Jasmine

    WOW!!! I love this whole photo shoot! Amazing perspectives on several of these 🙂 🙂

    • thanks Jasmine- Mick and Karen were awesome! They were so cooperative, fun, and easy to work with!

  • Kim

    Fantastic job Mandev!! LOVE these!!! Lots are my favs – but i love love the one where she’s pulling his tie, the close up pic with the both of them in front of the graffiti wall, the proposal pic with the little girl and the cute lovey-dovey one on the picnic bench with bricks and greenery!! Adorable!!

    • Thanks so much, Kim!! 🙂 I’m so happy you like the pictures! Tanvir and I are really excited for the Fresno Wedding!!

  • katie

    ummm this is one of my favorite photo shoots! love the tie shot… and love the professional ones… seriously Sid… you are amazing… i wish i could think of a better word than amazing, but i can’t at the moment. But your photos… they speak. They tell stories. They are just so damn good.. and i don’t swear… 🙂

    • Thank you so much for these kind words, Katie. I really appreciate it. Thanks for all your support. Mick and Karen were so fun to work with! I’m excited for their wedding in Fresno!

  • joseph

    Stunning! Need I say more?


    Super Cute… Can’t wait for the wedding!

    • Rummy, it was great to meet you last weekend. Mick and Karen’s wedding was so much fun! They both have such great families!

  • […] in us, opened themselves up to creativity, and were extremely cooperative. From the day we took engagement photos in downtown Seattle, I knew Mick and Karen were going to be pure delight! They make a perfect couple together- Karen […]

  • Brittany DeLorme

    Wow these pictures are so cool! I love the last one (on the rocks) sooo pretty! and the graffiti background looks awesome!!